Back in August my cat Archie was struck in the head by a speeding car. His injuries were extensive but his prognosis was positive so I didn't hesitate to pay for treatment. I was uninsured and thus reliant on my own savings and the kindness of friends and family to see him through.
Having been the beneficiary of so much support I was left to ponder the fate of pets whose owners can't afford to treat their injuries and I felt a burning ambition to get involved and to 'pay it forward'.
The charity I want to support is the PDSA which stands for 'The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals' and it's a UK based charity devoted to caring for the sick and injured animals of people in need. I want this to be more than an event, I want it to become a lifestyle. So my plan is to create a special, exclusive design with every new release and to give 100% of the proceeds from each and every sale to the PDSA.
I am pleased to announce the launch of the Equestrian Boots and Hunter Ankle Boots in an exclusive houndstooth pattern to raise money for the PDSA. [On sale from Friday 5th October]
All fees from the sale of the exclusive item will be sent to PDSAFundRaiser Resident, whose accounts will be published on a quarterly basis so as to ensure complete transparency. The avatar is run by PurplePenny Broome whose credentials are second to none. If you'd like more information or would like to get involved please contact either PurplePenny Broome or me, Gospel Voom, in-world.